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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The new iPhone 7 doesn't include a headphone jack unlike the iPhone 6; similarly, to Jack Sparrow when excluding the Jack.
(Courtesy of

No port, no cord, yes problem!

Nicola Bezuidenhout, Staff Writer October 26, 2016

The new iPhone 7 was released a few weeks ago, and the complaints are rising. Many students and adults with iPhones below the iPhone 7 are deciding to stick with their older versions. Why? Specifically,...

Ignoring terrorist attacks

Maddie Dailey, A&E Editor December 18, 2015

    Following the recent ISIS terrorist attacks in France, buildings were lit up to look like the French flag, and Facebook shared their condolences by making a profile filter available for users...

Recognizing “other” holidays

Punya Sidhu, Staff Writer December 18, 2015

If you’re reading this, odds are, you celebrate Christmas. There’s a break designated almost solely for it, and you would never have to miss school to celebrate Christmas. That would be ridiculous,...

Phone banks, phone cubbies, and the Hotel Calipeña

Phone banks, phone cubbies, and the Hotel Calipeña

Lauren Wenger, Staff Writer December 16, 2015

It’s a well-known fact that most teachers at any school do not like it when their students are on their phones during class. This led to many teachers here at Monte Vista getting creative and developing...

Feminism vs. MV

Feminism vs. MV

Ariel Chen, Senior Staff Writer October 22, 2015

Feminism has been around since the 1900’s, but lately it seems to have made a comeback not only throughout MV, but internationally. What is feminism? Social, political, and economic equality between...

Coffee: to sell or not to sell

Anya Nutakki, Staff Writer October 22, 2015

Power Drinks. Soda. Apple Juice. Hot Chocolate. All of these drinks are sold here at Monte Vista. The one drink that is missing from this list is coffee. Why isn’t it sold at school? Coffee should...

Squalid Restrooms

Squalid Restrooms

Daniel Carpentier Balough, Sports Editor June 4, 2015

Nobody enjoys public restrooms, that’s a fact, but that does not give people the right to utterly destroy the restrooms as we have at Monte Vista. It’s no secret that the restrooms at this school...

The advanced dance girls getting ready to perform at the spring rally on April 17. Alexa Stedman, Christy Carson, Natile Mauch, Tiffany Tran (seniors) are pictured above in their outfits.

Advanced dance performance causes controversy

Fatima Ali, CC Spin Editor June 4, 2015

Dance 5 performed on April 17 at our last rally, the Spring rally. With their cropped tank tops and skin tight leggings, they created controversy with both the students and staff of Monte Vista. After...

How to deal with 'bad' teachers

How to deal with ‘bad’ teachers

Samantha Teshima and Roya Dowlati June 4, 2015

Not everyone was born to teach others. It takes a certain character/personality to be a teacher. For one, teachers should be understanding. Everyone has their struggles in life and high school students...

Senior year: not as easy as it sounds

Senior year: not as easy as it sounds

Samantha Teshima and Melody Schwartz June 4, 2015

“Second semester senior year is so chill.” Seniors believe in the mentality that their last year is a smooth sailing, free ride. Sadly, this is a common misconception that is not so true. With just...

Importance of the arts

Jas Gill May 15, 2015

  I firmly believe arts need to be given more credit for their importance to people. Arts reduce stress for students even though there’s still pressure. Yes, more stress is added, but it’s...

A Major Mistake

A Major Mistake

Grace Wensley, Staff Writer May 15, 2015

Seventeen. Sure, decide the future of your career. But wait, you won’t be able to handle a rental car until you are at least twenty-five. High school students generally apply for college in the Fall...

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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.