The Stampede

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Common Core standards

Roya Dowlati, Staff Writer May 14, 2014

Since 2010, all but 5 states have developed new standards specifically for the English and Math departments. These standards are called the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The system is designed to...

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A perspective on terrorism

Zaran Baha, Staff Writer May 14, 2014

Terrorism: The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. Terrorism is a real danger in our modern society and has been for longer than most suspect. One of the earliest terrorist...

Hailey Woram and the Assisteens charity group works provide gifts during the stressful times of the holiday season. The Assisteens group has put on many other charitable events just like this one.

The power of positive thinking

Raquel Dixon, Staff Writer May 14, 2014

There are many students here at Monte Vista who have dedicated themselves to helping others, with a goal of uniting their community. These students have portrayed and upheld positive attitudes through...

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The photoshop epidemic

ME Hildebrand, Staff Writer May 14, 2014

We live in a world of Photoshop. Everyone these days uses picture editing tools. Some keep it simple- just a filter on their Instagram photos. However, others take notes from the magazines and full on...

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Breaking barriers

Reilly Olson, Staff Writer May 14, 2014

Has anyone ever told you that you need to get out of your comfort zone? There’s no better way to accomplish this age-old advice than to get thrust into the experience of moving. The vast majority of...

Simrah Farrukh, pursuing her passion as a photographer as she photographs the beauty of the bay in San Francisco.

Are you on the way to your dream job?

Fatima Ali, Staff Writer May 14, 2014

People are constantly motivating others to pursue their passion. Although not all students in high school know exactly what they want to do with their life in the future; these kids do. Many kids stress...

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Affluenza, myth or reality?

Erin Donnelly, Managing Editor May 14, 2014

Texas teen, 16 year old Ethan Couch, killed four people and severely injured two others in a drunk driving crash near Fort Worth, Texas in June. What did he plead as his defense? Affluenza. Affluenza...

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Dieting: What works and doesn’t work

Emma Knutson, Feature Editor May 14, 2014

Eat all your fruits and vegetables. Get 60 minutes of exercise daily. Get 8 hours of sleep each night. We all know the age old principles that have been repeated time after time throughout our childhood...

Dylan enjoys a ride in one of his fathers patrol cars.

Like father like son

Kiara Mitlin, Staff Writer May 14, 2014

Having a police officer in the family requires a different outlook and lifestyle. One student in particular who has been affected by this is Dylan Luciano and Clay Burke, the sons of fathers who work...

There may be more factors at play in college admissions then just grades and extracurriculars.

Is affirmative action “fair”?

Kevin Yang, Online Editor May 14, 2014

For the average college-minded student, ethnicity seems to be just as important as getting good grades in school. Affirmative action, the favoring of certain groups or ethnicities that traditionally suffer...

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Upcoming senior events

Amanda Mileski and Emma Knutson April 9, 2014

Being a second semester senior is full of fun activities and exciting new decisions. After a full first semester of college apps and filling out forms, many Monte Vista seniors are finally able to relax...

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A sample of new technology

Ben Ng, Staff Writer April 9, 2014

Everyday new technology is created or refined. Some of those new gadgets are now available for your average person. This doesn't mean that they are inexpensive, new gadgets rarely are, it means that...

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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.