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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

Is Snowglobe still safe?

Natalie Brooker, Staff Writer October 22, 2014

With cool weather brings the talk of long pants, warm sweaters, and the changing color of leaves. Many students at Monte Vista are looking more forward to changing weather bringing the annual Snowglobe...

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Translating the lyrics

Gina Matteo, Feature Editor April 9, 2014

Music has defined every generation, and continues to shape how society holds itself. Today, music can is filled with electric mixes and crazy instrumental solos. Unfortunately, music has taken a turn for...

With fewer and fewer students receiving adequate sleep these days, exhaustion and lack of focus continue to run rampant at MV.

Letting students sleep in: a blessing or a curse?

Reilly Olson, Staff Writer April 9, 2014

Tuesday. While most high schoolers around the nation have to drag themselves out of bed at the usual time on this fateful day of the week, MV students are left with a small slice of paradise that is that...

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Does homework actually help?

Kristen Chang, A&E Editor April 9, 2014

In 2011, Gaithersburg Elementary School, in Maryland, abolished homework by replacing the meaningless worksheets with free reading time. Although the assigned reading time is technically still homework,...

CAPTION: Cupertino protesters gather to rally against the passing of SCA 5, a law that allows UCs and CSUs to discriminate college applicants by race. Awareness spreading in the public was key to stopping the bill in its tracks.
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Racist CA law limiting Asians in UCs destroyed

Emmeline Wei, CC Spin Editor April 9, 2014

Jim Crow laws, Native American reservations, Japanese internment camps— they all seem obsolete. With gay marriage and pro-choice groups making strides in America, you’d think we would be past such...

Pressing ‘delete’ on your digital footprint

Pressing ‘delete’ on your digital footprint

Emmeline Wei, CC Spin Editor March 12, 2014

Ever regretted posting that vicious status, risque picture, or subtly-snubbing tweet? Ever had any of those come back to bite you? If you've answered 'yes' to any of the above-- I know I have-- you're...

We don't get F's just for failing any more. Some teachers leave F's in the place of missed tests, even if the test can't be made up for a long time.

Tests are the best

Matt Nardoci, Staff Writer March 12, 2014

We all have that moment where we wonder, “Is it really worth it to just make up this test later?” While it sounds like a great idea since you get more time to study, some teachers’ tests aren’t...

Prom is coming shortly. Among all of the anticipation, many juniors have not finalized all of their elaborate prom plans. Above all, make sure that you have your tickets!

Prom drama

Samantha Teshima, Staff Writer March 12, 2014

Prom is almost upon us. Juniors, particularly junior girls, are stressing out about all of the exciting prom plans--getting dresses and accessories, planning out transportation, etc. However, prom also...

Off Campus Adventures...Not Worth It?

Off Campus Adventures…Not Worth It?

Reilly Olson, Staff Writer March 12, 2014

San Ramon has it, so why can’t we? The age old question surrounding the off campus lunch debate has plagued MV students for years. But would being able to go off campus for lunch actually be such a good...

The SLS AMG electric drive shows the true potential of electric power, but this technology does not come cheap ($700,000)

Electric powered?

Chris Bortolon, Staff Writer March 10, 2014

  Gasoline and cars go together like fish and water, you rarely have one without the other. However, new technologies in both automotive and electrical engineering may be starting to bridge the gap between...

Lucky number 6?

Lucky number 6?

Chris Bortolon, Staff Writer February 12, 2014

The iPhone has left a legacy of its own, from the original 2 all the way through the 5s, Apple has continued to remain on the cutting edge of technological development, but many are now asking, ‘what’s...

Students on the gap year program "Amigos de la America" jump for joy in Columbia. The program offers trips around South America for youth.

The perks of a gap year

Abi Gilson, News Editor February 12, 2014

For the majority of high school students it is assumed that once graduated,  we must attend college in the immediate fall semester because well- what else would we do? There is an alternative option of...

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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.