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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The Prom Dilemma

Kiara Miltin, Staff Writer February 12, 2014

Ladies calm down… It’s only prom! It’s safe to say that any girl has the right to get ready for prom, but at times, some girls rush to get ready a little bit too early.There are various forms of...

This image is taken from the popular viral video, published by Dove, titled "The Evolution of Beauty". The video tracks the steps and measures taken to transform a model into the image plastered onto billboards and advertisements. In the image above, the obvious editing and distortion of the true image of beauty is made prevalent.

The distortion of beauty

Gabby Rodriguez, Staff Writer February 12, 2014

The dictionary defines beauty as a quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations, meaningful design or pattern,...

Recently, a "Plastic Surgery for Barbie" app has been taken off of iTunes. It threatened young girls' self-images and caused many protests, specifically by parents.

Barbie gone bad

Samantha Teshima, Staff Writer February 12, 2014

    There used to be an app called “plastic surgery for Barbie,” available on iTunes. However, it was taken off due to the potential negative effect on young girls.     The app is rated 12+...

See it through my lens

Gina Matteo, Op/Ed Editor February 12, 2014

The 21st century is consumed with the fight for social rights and equality for all. People all over the world are uniting to stomp out stereotypes. The media tells you to “be proud of where you are from”...

“No press is bad press”

“No press is bad press”

Kristin Chang, A&E Editor November 20, 2013

     As early as 2003, the widely popular store Urban Outfitters, has been releasing rather offensive products.      Starting with “ghettopoly” - a ghetto version of monopoly - to one of the...

Thanksgiving truths

Gina Matteo, Op/Ed Editor November 20, 2013

    Whether it’s the turkey and stuffing on the dinner table or being surrounded by family, Americans love their Thanksgiving.     Thanksgiving has always set the mood for people across the...

Shall we dance?

Emmaline Wei, CC Spin Editor November 20, 2013

    Winter Formal, Sadie Hawkins, Spring Fling, Black and White Ball— what do all these things have in common? They’re all dances Monte Vista doesn’t hold.     That’s right— every year,...

Inescapable stress

Samantha Teshima, Staff Writer November 20, 2013

    Not only is stress is an unavoidable part of students’ lives here at MV, it can also endanger our lives.     Monte Vista is a school of diversity; no two students are exactly alike...except...

Guilty of procrastination

Kiara Miltin, Staff Writer November 20, 2013

     Procrastination: it’s something we all do but know we shouldn’t.      Many of us procrastinate in order to avoid  homework or studying for a test. But why do so many of us find ourselves...

Classes in chaos

Classes in chaos

Matt Nardoci, Staff Writer November 20, 2013

   Is it really that hard to be quiet when a teacher is talking?  As all of us have found out one way or another, it apparently is.     It is the best feeling when you are watching a movie only...

GTA V: Helping build a better society

Isabella Ordaz, Business Manager November 20, 2013

    Rockstar, a video gaming company, recently released Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V), the latest game in the widely respected and heartily applauded Grand Theft Auto series. The line of games is famous...

How do you dirty dance?

Lauren Lambertson, Staff Writer November 13, 2013

    School dances are great for dancing and going a little crazy with your friends, but not for dancing on them.    Urban dictionary describes dirty dancing as basically one step away from having...

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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.