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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

Multiple Monte Vista students physically attack Dougherty Valley student following basketball game

Edi Zhang, Editor-in-Chief January 28, 2023

Danville, California-- A fight broke out between at least ten Monte Vista students and one Dougherty Valley student following Thursday night's basketball game. According to a video shared among students...

Pictured is the culinary classroom on the bottom floor of the 500s building at Monte Vista High School. The classroom used to have students spread throughout learning to cook and bake interesting types of cuisines.

Cooking up a cooking class

Madeline Wiener December 12, 2022

Monte Vista is changing constantly, with new opportunities being added into the school every year. So what will the next change at Monte Vista be? The return of a culinary program on campus is a possibility.      Roughly...

Sophomore Grace Tseng scans into her class. The introduction of the new scanning system has led to an increase in detentions.

The new green slip

Maya Bhatt and Edi Zhang December 12, 2022

Students have found themselves receiving a new green slip. No, it’s not a visit to the counselor, but a visit to detention. This light green detention slip is part of a wave of new crackdowns on student...

     Los Angeles citizens protesting and calling for Martinez’s resignation. Many in L.A. share this sentiment and helped to push Martinez out of office.

Shocking city council leaks

Nick Timbers December 12, 2022

 Conversations that happen behind closed doors are usually not revealed to the public, but sometimes when they are, the truth can be uncovered.       Former L.A. City Council President, Nury...

BTS is officially announcing their military service commitment. Their military leave was nearing its termination.

Singers to soldiers

Emmett Mossler December 12, 2022

    Members of  popular K-pop band, BTS, will be on temporary break from making group music while they embark on 18 months of mandatory military service.  They are exiting the stage and entering...

Ukrainian firefighters working to put out fires in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. The damage occurred after Russia sent a wave of suicide drones, employed with explosives, that destroyed many homes.

Russia-Ukraine crisis: an update

Maya Bhatt and Alicia Kim December 12, 2022

On Feb. 24, 2022, President Vladimir Putin of Russia, launched his first strike against Ukraine when he commanded Russian army troops to attack Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, in an attempt to overthrow Volodymyr...

With the current high inflation rate of 8.2%, many are wondering what is causing this extraordinarily high inflation rate, and what is going to come from it.

The rise in inflation

Brian Avram December 12, 2022

As 2022 comes to an end, many problems challenge the world. War, natural disasters, pandemic recovery efforts, and unemployment are just a few issues that every country has to deal with. Out of all these...

Alex Jones is pictured walking out of a courtroom in Austin, Texas. Jones had to pay a sum of 965 million dollars to the plaintiffs of his defamation case involving the Sandy Hook shooting.

Conspiracies gone too far

Krish Shetty December 12, 2022

On December 14, 2012, 26 children and staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School lost their lives at the hand of a school shooter. While the rest of the country mourned the loss of these lives, conspiracy...

Monte Vista is a "No Place For Hate" campus. However, three different instances of anti-semitic graffiti have occurred on campus the past two weeks.

String of anti-semitic graffiti found on campus

Paviter Randhawa October 27, 2022

On October 25th, 2022, anti-semitic graffiti was found in the the gym for the third time in a little over a week. These incidents were immediately brought to the administration and Principal Dr. Kevin...

Queen Elizabeth is posing for a portrait. This is to celebrate the accession of attaining a Platinum Jubilee. The Platinum Jubilee highlights the milestone of 70 years reigning as the monarch Queen Elizabeth received in 2022.

Queen Elizabeth: the longest reigning monarch

Joshua Balagot and Dylan Tell October 20, 2022

     Queen Elizabeth II passed away on Sep. 8 2022. She was the monarch of Britain from 1952-2022 and was the longest reigning monarch in the history of the British Royal family. Though hold no real...

Drummond and her neighbor’s home after the fire. The fire started between 12:30 am and 1:00 pm on Wednesday, September 9th.

Monte Vista Community Rallies to Help Former Teacher

Maya Bhatt, Aarushi Khurana, and Olivia Brandeis October 18, 2022

The week of September 5th was one for the record books. According to the National Weather Service, that week’s scorching heat wave was the most severe in California’s history. With temperatures in...

Brittney Griner is being detained at a Russian penal colony. She was found guilty for the possession of drugs when she passed through the Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow on Feb. 17 2022.

Brittney Griner: From Bright Lights to Long Nights

Joshua Balagot and Tyler Choi October 18, 2022

Professional WNBA (Women’s National Basketball Association) star Brittney Griner was sentenced to nine years in a Russian penal colony on August 4, 2022.       Griner is an American professional...

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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.