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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

Hoopla Rally Slideshow

Danny Carpentier Balough, Staff Writer February 20, 2014

A recap of the 2014 Hoopla Rally

An impressive journey

Emma Knutson and Laura Kenny February 13, 2014

Out of over 100,000 people that auditioned for American Idol, our very own senior Rachel Rolleri made to the top 100 contestants during Hollywood week. She auditioned in San Francisco over the summer...

Internet Famous

Isabella Ordaz, Business Manager February 12, 2014

We no longer consume media. Media consumes us. According to the Washington Post, American teenagers spend more than 7 ½ hours a day consuming a variety of media, including social media. Although social...

Doña Sandra will be hosting a Costa Rica trip for interested MV students this summer. In the summer of 2009, she took many students that were dedicated to improving their Spanish while immersing themselves in the rich, Costa Rican, "pura vida" lifestyle.

Costa Rica trip

Samantha Teshima, Staff Writer February 12, 2014

This summer, students here at MV will have a chance to go to Costa Rica. Not many students get to experience a school trip to a different country. The trip, lasting two weeks, will be hosted by Spanish...

A typical day for a Chabot volunteer includes roaming the halls, ready to explain basic scientific ideas to the patrons.

Chabot: Bridging the gap between the classroom and reality

Reilly Olson, Staff Writer February 12, 2014

What do your Friday nights consist of? A movie with friends? Dinner with family? While these may be nice, a few MV students are finding a more exciting way to pass their free time. If you’ve ever wanted...

The Prom Dilemma

Kiara Miltin, Staff Writer February 12, 2014

Ladies calm down… It’s only prom! It’s safe to say that any girl has the right to get ready for prom, but at times, some girls rush to get ready a little bit too early.There are various forms of...

Marching Band

Marching Band

Reilly Olson, staff Writer December 20, 2013

Anyone in marching band will assure you that the experience is unlike anything else, and the only way to understand a band kid is to be one. This particular season was a phenomenal one for these talented...

Mike Smith, an inspirational speaker, talks to the Monte Vista senior class

Where is your legacy?

Erin Donnelley, Managing Editor December 19, 2013

It is said that our generation is the most selfish and materialistic generation that has ever existed. We obsess over meaningless and empty things like the amount of likes we get on instagram or how many...

Paris shares one of her books with children and parents at Blackhawk plaza.

MV’s very own student author

Emma Knutson, Feature Editor December 19, 2013

Before she could even write sophomore Paris Morris was busy making her own children’s book series based off of her own life. With the help and encouragement of her parents over the years, Morris has...

Fall fashion: what’s in this season

Hannah Copeland, Staff Writer November 25, 2013

It’s that time of year again, the weather is getting colder, the leaves are changing color, it’s finally fall! Break out those sweaters, scarves, and boots because Autumn has a style all its...

Harvey Hopping to Success

Harvey Hopping to Success

Lauren Lambertson, Staff Writer November 25, 2013

    Play Production does it again with another laugh-out-loud comedy.     Hervey was well acted and if you know the people who starred in it, it was perfectly casted. Full of sass, confusion,...

Getting a taste of the future

Emma Knutson, Feature Editor November 20, 2013

    One of Monte Vista’s newest course offerings is helping MV seniors achieve goals for their futures. Founded three years ago at Cal High, Monte Vista first offered iQuest last year as a senior...

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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.