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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

BREAKING – Updates: What’s the deal with the fire?

Robin Hyun and Lauren Edelman, Feature and News Editor October 12, 2017

The one topic students cannot get off their mind: the fire.  MV Journalism class interviewed Principal Dr. Kevin Ahern and Assistant Principals Liz Pagano, Kenny Khan, and Cheryl DiGrazia. What was...

Caption: In an Honors Chemistry class, sophomore Sabeel Abboushi sits at a lab table while all the other students sit at a student desk due to a large class. She discovered the challenge of learning at this seat for the first weeks of school. (Courtesy of Claire Chu)

Low funds are affecting class sizes

Claire Chu, Online. CC Spin, PR/Communications Editor October 5, 2017

    With over 2,450 students at Monte Vista this year, classes are increasing in size due to the district’s restricted funding.     San Ramon Valley Unified School District’s (SRVUSD)...

Terrence Roberts speaks to students from around the district. He was a member of the Little Rock Nine who were the first African Americans to go to an all white high school in Arkansas.

Little Rock 9 member speaks at MV

Sumin Lim, CC Spin Editor March 20, 2017

    Terrence Roberts, a member of the Little Rock Nine spoke to students around the district at Monte Vista on March 2.     The Little Rock Nine were nine students who were the first African...



Grace Wensley, Editor-In-Chief February 24, 2017

    Twelve schools, four teams, 1000 students, and months of preparation: the TRI Valley Leadership Conference.     On January 27th, Monte Vista High School hosted the annual TRI Valley Leadership...

Monte Vista students participate in concert for a cure, a fundraiser to promote awareness and raise money to find a cure for SMA.  This is an annual fundraiser organized by Mary McHale with the help of club representatives. (Courtesy of Julia Berg)

FDA approves treatment for SMA

Lauren Walker and Eshana Seshadri January 24, 2017

    On December 23rd, 2016, the FDA approved the drug Spinraza, a nusinersen, for treatment of infants, children, and adults with SMA.   The approval the drug is cause for excitement: it is...

A tribute

Michael Rhee, Staff Writer January 23, 2017

    David Bowie, singer, songwriter, and actor. One of the best-selling music artists in the world, Bowie first earned his popularity in 1969 with his song “Space Oddity.” He emerged in 1792...

This map shows the drastic change of California’s drought situation from before and after the rain storm. Lighter areas indicate locations that are more affected by the drought than lighter areas.

Is California’s Drought finally coming to an end?

Robin Hyun, Staff Writer January 23, 2017

    With the constant rain, the layer of water covering almost all the walkways, and deep puddles of water scattered around campus, one may think California’s drought may finally be coming to an...

The recent storm that hit California has pulled 42% of the state out of the drought and drastically lowered the severity of the drought in the rest of the state. The storm has flooded many rivers such as the Russian River, which is forcing resident out of their houses.

Big boy storm puts CA out of drought

Krista Cleary, Business Manager January 23, 2017

    The recent storm that hit California has aided our efforts to get out of the drought by pulling 42% of the state out of drought and helping the more severely affected parts of the state quench...

The graffiti was found in the boy's restroom in the 900 wing. This picture was tweeted out by ABC7 News Reporter Amy Hollyfield.

Monte Vista racist graffiti ends on a good note

Robin Hyun, Reviews Editor December 12, 2016

This is what a Monte Vista student saw scrawled on the boys bathroom's wall as he walked in. Arrows drawn below the words displayed an open idea of segregation; one arrow pointed at a urinal labeled...

Courtesy of Lauren Walker

“13 Reasons Why” you should have met Jay Asher

Lauren Edelman, Online Editor November 23, 2016

      Danville bookstore, Rakestraw Books, invited Jay Asher to Monte Vista and hosted the event in the Workday Student Center on November 2.  To celebrate Asher’s first publishing in six years,...

Have clowns affected Halloween?

Robin Hyun, Staff Writer November 23, 2016

      Due to the hysteria with clowns, the usual excitement for Halloween seems to have dimmed down this year.       The sightings of clowns originated from a little boy from Greenville, South...

The rumors describing the MV policy that A+’s would no longer be rewarded have been confirmed as false.  Although, it was recommended that teachers change the grading scale to no A+’s, many teachers paid no attention since they believed students earned the extra recognition.

A minus the plus

Lauren Edelman, Online Editor October 24, 2016

     It’s a well known fact: students love the glory of getting an A, but nothing compares to the overwhelming satisfaction of getting an A+. But, there are always those certain teachers that say...

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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.