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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

Wheelchair Foundation

Wheelchair Foundation

Erin Donnelly and Isabella Ordaz March 12, 2014

Monte Vista recently teamed up with the Wheelchair Foundation to raise money for  physically disabled people who need a wheelchair and can’t afford one. The Wheelchair Foundation is a nonprofit organization...

Nancy Pinnella pictured here from her senior photo in 1984, passed away from the flu on February 1st.

A villainous virus

Matt Nardoci, Staff Writer February 12, 2014

There was a recent death that broke the news regarding a Monte Vista alumna. Graduating in 1984, Nancy Pinnella passed away on January 25th from the virus H1N1, more commonly known as swine flu. A member...

Japanese exchange students

Emmaline Wei, CC Spin Editor February 12, 2014

Flying from Japan, 16-year-olds Kaori Sasake and Keisuke Shimizu have joined us at Monte Vista for the annual Monte Vista-Sakuragaoka exchange program. The two were chosen out of dozens to participate...

Sadie Hawkins is a dance with a change of tradition- the girls ask the guys to attend. MV is preparing for one next year!

Sadie Hawkins dance at MV?

Fatima Ali, Staff Writer February 12, 2014

Rumors have been circling MV about the possibility of a Sadie Hawkins dance within the next few months. The traditional dances at our school consist of Homecoming, Junior Prom, and Senior Ball and we have...

Walking through the halls is difficult during passing period, but during a fire alarm it can be worse. All students and staff evacuate the buildings and that can make it hard to move quickly.

Sound the alarm! MV experiences excessive fire drills

Amanda Mileski, Staff Writer February 12, 2014

Over the last few months, Monte Vista has experienced a significant amount of fire alarms. Whether it was during class, before school, or during passing period, the fire alarms were ringing at a confusingly...

The URB-E in the world's most compact electric scooter that can achieve speeds of up to 15 mph and can be charged right from your iPhone.This new eco-friendly mode of transportation will be available to consumers for around $1,500.

CES: The tech crunch

Nick Livson, Staff Writer February 12, 2014

The international CES or Consumer Electronics Show is where inventors from all over the world who thrive on the creation of consumer technologies meet. Held in Las Vegas every for 40 years, this tech show...

In n Out, located in San Ramon, is usually quiet and unassuming.

Rioting at In n Out

Lucy Hooper, Social Media Editor February 12, 2014

On Friday January 17th Monte Vista and Cal High students flooded In n Out Burger and caused, not just a food fight, but a riot. In n Out is a place where many go after games to get a bite to eat. During...

A look at the upcoming layout for Broadway Plaza.

Broadway Plaza Additions

Roya Dowlati, Staff Writer February 12, 2014

The popular Broadway Plaza in Walnut Creek is about to undergo a serious makeover. The owners are set to invest a quarter-billion dollars i the outdoor downtown mall. On Tuesday February 4th, the City...

Gilles lives up to her “Great Expectations”

Gilles lives up to her “Great Expectations”

Samantha Teshima, Staff Writer February 11, 2014

On February 7, 2014, the NEA Foundation had its Salute to Excellence in Education Gala in Washington D.C. The NEA Member Benefits Award for Teaching Excellence, known as the Academy Award of public education,...

Education Code to Recognize LGBTQ and Disabled Community

Isabella Ordaz, Business Manager December 18, 2013

The passage of the FAIR Education Act and Assembly Bill 1266 are indicators of our progress as an accepting Californian society. Both laws work to represent the LGBTQ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender...

The leadership class loads up the Adopt-a-Family gifts into a truck to deliver to the Salvation Army. in 2013. Projects like these help students see the importance of giving back.


Hannah Copeland, Staff Writer December 18, 2013

The holiday season is right around the corner, kids of all ages begin writing their gift wishlist. For many families, the holidays are a happy and cheerful time. However, for some it is often stressful...

Hookah pendemic

Hookah pendemic

Georgia Buxton and Taylor Wright December 18, 2013

    At Monte Vista the new phenomenon is the hookah pen. Many students use them at school, thinking that it is allowed, however admin is making students aware that hookah pens are strictly forbidden...

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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.