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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.

The Stampede

Nia Coleman

Nia Coleman, Staff Writer

Nia Coleman is a junior at Monte Vista beginning her first year in Journalism as a Staff Writer. This year she hopes to use her creativeness and humor to contribute to the newspaper. During any of her free time Nia enjoys playing basketball, playing video games, and going on bike rides. During all of those activities she loves listening to music to keep her mind occupied. Nia misses when everyone didn't have to wear a mask before Covid-19 because it makes it hard for her to breathe. One random fact that not many people know about is that she knows how to juggle.

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The official news publication of Monte Vista High School.
Nia Coleman