Clinton’s message to the “Danville Bubble”


Punya Sidhu, Staff Writer

A line of Danvillians stretches outside Rakestraw Bookstore all the way down the street. Suburban cops roam the parking lot, and the crowd grows restless with anticipation. Standing inside the bookstore are press: reporters from numerous magazines and publishers. People speculate about how she will get here, as the person they are waiting for is running about an hour late.

    Chelsea Clinton arrives through the back entrance, apologizing for the delay. She is welcomed by the bookstore owners, and immediately poses for pictures without a second’s delay. Store staff and reporters alike thank her for being there, and she is bombarded with a steady flow of “thank-yous” and general hectic-ness, all which she takes with a casualness usually reserved for grocery shopping or baseball games.

    “I’m happy to be here,” Clinton said. She soon sits down to start her signing. Her nephew, about five years old, is first to get his copy of her book, It’s Your World, signed.

    With such a huge commotion, you may be wondering, why Danville?

    Danville is well known as a very affluent area, and if you want to sell something, this is probably the place to do it. Along with that, Danville is often blind to the problems and issues that happen outside it’s narrow borders.

    Also, although she denies that her book is political, it does seem well-timed, now that her mother is losing a bit of momentum and that the book does mention all the good deeds accomplished by the Clinton Foundation.

    Clinton’s book is aimed towards youth, and covers a variety of topics from global health crises and women’s empowerment, to environmental problems. These are issues that are often brushed off in the “Danville Bubble”

    Chelsea Clinton obviously lives a privileged lifestyle, not unlike the one many have here in Danville. She has traveled all over the world and has gained a perspective outside of the sheltered culture that we dwell in.

    “I think that all of us have a responsibility to be aware of whatever our situation may be,” Clinton said.

    While many Danvillians are aware of what economic status they hold, it is easy to get caught up in the wealthy and assimilatory society, losing sight of the “responsibility” that the affluent have. Being aware is sometimes easier said than done, especially in a culture where outside issues are not often talked about.
    Wealth is often a hot-button issue in Danville. Everybody knows about it, but people are often hesitant to talk about it. How should we feel about the fact that we drive expensive cars when some kids in the US can’t afford to eat three meals a day? When asked this very question, Clinton responded with a candid statement:

    “I think we all have a responsibility to do whatever we can, as my grandmother said, ‘to expand the circle of blessing,’”Clinton said. “So whether that is helping to raise awareness, about the fact that 1 in 5 kids in our country is food insecure, or whether that’s about helping support food drives, or donating time at a food kitchen, I think we all really can do something and those that can, should do something.”

    It’s easy to say that we could all become philanthropists, and donate to food banks, but in reality, how many of us actually spend our time doing that? Before we actually change our actions, we have to change our society and our culture. Raising awareness about issues all around us is challenging, but it is something we have to do in order to change our actions.