A recipe for success
Ryan Wilson bakes a Zebra Cake at his home for his YouTube channel, “Baking With Ryan”. The cake was frosted with swiss meringue buttercream, black chocolate ganache and sprinkles.
An avid baker, Ryan Wilson makes incredible creations of cakes. With about 162k followers on Instagram, Wilson uploads how-to videos of his cakes weekly.
Wilson started baking when he was eight. He got into baking after receiving an Easy Bake Oven as a gift when he was young.
“ I liked baking so I moved on from the Easy Bake to a real oven,” Wilson said.
Wilson’s parents weren’t bakers or chefs, therefore, he was 100% self-taught. Wilson got most of his ideas from watching YouTube videos, reading recipes, and getting creative on his own.
As such a young baker, Wilson also competed in baking shows.
“ Three years ago, I was in Kids Baking Championship,” Wilson said. “ I got eliminated early, but years later I went to Sugar Showdown and I won.”
After winning the show, Wilson received $10,000 which he has in his savings. He thought it was a once in a lifetime experience and unforgettable memory.
Wilson continues to bake every weekend balancing his time with school and track.
“ I try to bake a cake every weekend and if I can’t, it’s because I have cross country every Saturday and AP world notes to do,” Wilson said.
His cakes can take up to 8 hours to make depending on the size, therefore, Wilson often has to adjust his schedule to fit in baking, school work, sports, and other extra activities.
He loves to be creative when it comes to baking. All his cakes are very colorful and artistic. Like a piece of artwork, he puts in a lot of effort focusing a lot on the details. Wilson has made cakes replicating Christmas tree, popcorn, pig, alien and many others.
“ I enjoy making cakes that represent something you wouldn’t expect to be a cake,” he said.
With all the cakes he makes, he also shares the extras with his friends who are always ready for a sweet treat.
“ His cakes aren’t just well decorated, they are also very tasty, I always get excited when he calls me over to have some cake,” Wilson’s close friend Christan Ouzounian said.
Ouzounian has been friends with Wilson since 7th grade, and he mentioned that Wilson is very genuine and always there for his friends. He is also humble about his fame from baking.
“ You wouldn’t know about his Instagram fame and being on television shows until you met him, only after getting to know him you’ll realize he is quite famous,” Ouzounian said.

Emily Ma is a senior at Monte Vista and the business manager for The Stampede. This year is...