Dress Difficulties

With prom coming up soon, girls are getting ready to find the perfect dress. A student created instagram page has been set up to help girls not get the same dress as their peers.
February 28, 2017
Prom, a wonderful, once in a lifetime and, most importantly, expensive experience.
While the boys of Monte Vista currently try and figure out how they will ask their high school sweethearts out to prom, the girls are busy trying to find the perfect dress.
While having no experience in shopping for any type of dress, I would think it would be pretty easy. After all, in today’s market there are tons of opportunities to find dresses.
Despite the many available and cheap dresses, girls typically have be picky. Monte Vista girls have many checklists to complete before buying the dress.
The first and most important one being the look of it. They want it to match their personality by standing out in a good way. Once it stands out, they believe they will get more attention, which to them, is a very good thing.
The second part of the checklist is the price. Being Monte Vista, a good portion of the student population have the ability to purchase very expensive dresses. It almost seems as if they are only interested in the more expensive dresses.
The third part seems to be very odd, at least to me it is. It seems to be that having the same dress as someone can be a bad thing. Some girls think that it is very important that they are the only ones wearing the dress they buy for prom. Since most girls don’t know what everyone else is wearing, social media pages are created so girls can send in pictures of their dresses so everyone knows not to buy that dress.
While I think the social media page is very creative, it doesn’t seem to have a positive meaning. Shouldn’t girls be allowed to wear whatever they want for prom? Does it really matter if they have the same dress as someone else?
Those are definitely important topics we should be discussing in today’s society. Some people think that these are important to the high school system such as Junior Natalia Delapeña.
“I would say most girls aim to have a dress no one else has for the purpose of standing out a being unique,” said Delapeña.
Girls should have the ability to be unique even if they have the same dress as someone else.
Girls are unique for their personality rather than the dress they wear
Maybe it’s just harder for men to understand this.