Stew is Back

Swim Coach Dow Stewart returns to the swim team after a two year absence. He coached for several years before that and loves to see the students grow as swimmers. Coach Greg Rodriguez (right) is the JV coach.
A familiar face has re-joined the coaching staff for the Monte Vista varsity swim team this year. Not only is Dow Stewart a dedicated math teacher, he is also a passionate swim coach who has been coaching for seventeen years in total. Mr. Stewart could not resist his desire to get back into high school coaching.
“I missed coaching the high school team.” Stewart said. “I love getting to know the kids on the team and seeing them grow up.”
Mr. Stewart took a leave of absence for two years after the 2012 swim season for family matters. Trent Richardson took over for the two years that Mr. Stewart focused on his family.
Many of the seniors on the varsity team had Mr. Stewart as a coach when they were freshmen. Senior Sara Nicolosi is a swimmer who is happy to see her old coach return.
“He was my coach freshman year, so it’s nice to have him back,” Nicolosi said. “but he is definitely more sassy than Trent.”
Senior Marina Velo also had Mr. Stewart when she was a younger swimmer.
“He’s willing to work with you, not just physically to improve your stroke and times, but mentally as well,” Velo said. “He makes sure that you believe in yourself through and through and he believes in the team no matter what. He sees everyone’s potential and he pushes us hard to reach our goals.”
Mr. Stewart has led past teams to victory and with hard work and dedication, Stewart and the entire team will surely see the results they want this season.
art has high hopes for the current season. He believes the varsity NCS qualifiers will lead the team to success in their championship meet. With the hard workouts Mr. Stewart puts his swimmers through, he is confident that the team will place high at the NCS championship meet. “I want the boy’s team to place top three overall and the girl’s team to place top 5 overall.” Stewart said.
Stewart attended Chico State after graduating from Los Lomas High School in Walnut Creek. He used to teach and coach at Freedom High School before coming to Monte Vista. Before coaching at Blackhawk, he coached for the Sycamore Stingrays. He also used to coach the JV girls water polo team at Monte Vista.