Marching Band

Anyone in marching band will assure you that the experience is unlike anything else, and the only way to understand a band kid is to be one.
This particular season was a phenomenal one for these talented musicians, traveling far and wide many weekends to take first place at various competitions.
The road to success did not come without its bumps, however, as the band ran into all kinds of obstacles. The worst by far being the competition where their bus literally caught on fire, leaving them stranded on the side of the road and in dire need of a new one.
The bus’s braking system failed, causing the brake pads to lock and in turn, the increased friction with the road caused the back tires to catch on fire. Everyone had to be immediately evacuated at a nearby McDonalds until a new bus could come and rescue them.
“I was kind of scared, but by that point it was like 10 at night and we couldn’t really do anything so the whole band got to hangout for a little longer,” sophomore Phoebe Archbell said.
This startling turn of events proved no obstacle however, as the band still managed to take first in the competition that day.
With 3 hour practices 3 days a week and countless time-consuming competitions, members of marching band are arguably some of the most dedicated students at Monte Vista.
It takes a considerable amount of athletic ability and natural talent to be successful at this activity. Valuable skills include dexterity, flexibility, strength and coordination. Without any of these key abilities, one will find it difficult to keep up with demanding routines. This proves to be a great bonding experience and leaves everyone feeling as if they’re really a part of something.
“There’s a real sense of community in that group of people and we have a great time all year,” sophomore Nate Grim said.
Whether they are dominating a competition or entertaining avid fans at halftime, marching band never fails to deliver.
As long as you are reasonably adaptable and athletic, you could be a potential candidate for marching band. It takes dedication and perseverance but the members will tell you that its more than worth it in the end.

Reilly Olson is a senior at Monte Vista. This is her third year in journalism and second year as an editor....