Don’t you just love going home after a long day of school? You spend the last few minutes of class just waiting for the chance to dash out to…where exactly? Walk? Your house is too far away. Drive? You have no license, and nobody is coming to pick you up. The Traffix buses? You would think that the passes were for Taylor Swift concerts by how fast they run out, so you don’t have one. With all other options exhausted, you turn to the only one you have left…the County Connection bus.
If you can’t manage to get your hands on a Traffix bus pass, you’ll have to count yourself among the poor unfortunate souls who, on even schedule days, have to hang around the school for about 45 minutes before the county bus finally arrives to whisk them away. On the plus side of even days, there are only a couple people who are getting on the bus.
On school days with odd or Monday schedules, in addition to the potential of waiting for an Ice Age if you have the audacity of having fewer than seven periods, the bus becomes as crowded as the Tokyo tube during rush hour. Apparently, the “bus overlords” in their infinite wisdom didn’t consider bus capacity when they decided to put about 50 students on a single bus.
The absolutely-no-space-at-all-please-help-us issue is decidedly the root of all problems with the County bus. With so many students on board, the resulting noise bears a resemblance to the volume of a wind tunnel. If that wasn’t bad enough, said students are packed in so tightly that they’re practically being knocked over like bowling pins on the harder turns and stops.
Even before you get on the bus, if you plan to spend the ride seated—rather than standing in violation of the personal space of at least three people for up to an hour or more—you have to be ready to “Super Smash Bros Ultimate” your way through the students who are mass mobbing the entrance.
And away you go. You’ve made it back home, after a grueling day of school and the bus ride back. What are you going to do now? Your homework? Chores? Something productive? Oh, I see…a power nap. Well, I suppose that’s called for.