Key Club focuses on philanthropy

January 13, 2017
Monte Vista’s Key Club is doing many fun fundraising events, and is always welcoming new members.
Some of these events have been occurring at Fall Rally North (a fundraising event to fight pediatric trauma) in Six Flags, Juice Zone and many other soon-to-be locations.
Club editor and officer Justin Tang has mentioned that the general purpose of these events are to benefit causes such as youth health.
“[The club] creates fundraisers that go towards big charities, such as the Pediatric Trauma Program”, Tang said.
Key Club is an international student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership. Members have been providing service by donating money and volunteering at social events and gatherings in order to achieve their goals for charity.
For example, when Key Club had an event at Juice Zone, every time a drink was bought, one dollar would automatically be sent to a charity.
Key Club has also partnered with UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus in what is now known as the ELIMINATE Project. Money is donated to help make sure that no newborn child will die from tetanus.
“I hope that the fundraising will help save newborn children,” Key Club member Brandon Hohn said.

In addition, multiple events occur every month, including service projects and giving back to the community. Some of these events consist of helping at parades, planting trees and cleaning creeks. Last year, the club hosted the Ribbon Leis Project where members donated to the ELIMINATE project.
“We made and sold ribbon leis and donated the money to ELIMINATE. But in general, we have a ton of different service projects every month, and the activities vary every time,” Tang said.
“I hope events like the Ribbon Leis Project keep happening, because even though I wasn’t a part of it last year, I hope I can become more charitable in the future,” Hohn said.
In the future, Key Club members will be participating in many events and conventions.
“We will be going to an annual District Convention (DCON) in Anaheim in April to give and listen to speeches and interact with Key Club members around California, Nevada, Hawaii and more,” Tang commented.
Key Club is always open to new members, and is constantly donating to different charities in hopes of creating, partnering with organizations and hosting live events in hopes of creating a better world.