Pops concert

March 26, 2015
The Pops Concert is an annual performance put on by the choir class each year, in which students sing pop songs. This typically makes it the most anticipated choir event of the year. The concert took place on the 19th and 20th of March, in the Al Gentile Theatre.
“[Pops concert] is more exciting, shows a variety of music, and gives choir students a chance to express individual talent(s),” said senior Laurel Speck, who performed a mashup of Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes, and Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men, and You and I by Lady Gaga, along with choir students Jamie Plafker, Olivia White, Maddie Schwarz, Katie Finnerty, and Sarah Knebel, and Ellise Gitas.
Not every student in the choir class has solos, but that the not affect the nerves and excitement that revolves around the annual concert. All four levels of choir perform, as well as the beauty shop quartet.
What’s even more impressive is that the concert is almost completely student- run.
“The most memorable part of the two nights was all four choirs singing Seasons of Love, together under the direction of Mackenzie Shrieve, one of our fabulous student conductors,” said junior Emma Sullivan.
So what makes the Pops concert so special?
“People relate to what we are performing, and usually we choose songs people have heard and like to listen to,” said senior Maddie Schwarz.
People also deal with the pressure of the spotlight differently. While senior Oliver Ruby likes to joke around and laugh before he performs, senior Laurel Speck’s emotions are far different.
“It’s really kind of blank. I don’t really think I just go out and sing,” said senior Laurel Speck.
Act’s in this year’s concert included senior Derin Orido and friends’ hilarious and entertaining remake of Uptown Funk, sophomore Elise Gitas’ soulful rendition of Almost Lover, and senior and student conductor Mackenzie Shrieve’s original song, Little Sound.
If the Pops concert is one thing, it’s something the members of choir will remember their whole lives, as a time they could get together with friends and put on a show people love.
“It is extremely rewarding because we work so hard for months and finally nailing a song and getting to do it in front of an audience is such a thrill. Also, doing what I love with my favorite people is a reward in itself,” said junior Emma Sullivan. That’s what it is all about.