The photoshop epidemic

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We live in a world of Photoshop.
Everyone these days uses picture editing tools. Some keep it simple- just a filter on their Instagram photos. However, others take notes from the magazines and full on edit their pictures, smoothing skin, making their faces slimmer, and even making their eyes bigger.
An example of this is the app Perfect 365, an editing app that has easy to use features that are borderline creepy. Junior Ava Fry has Perfect 365 in action.
“I find Perfect 365 to be frightening. The fact that someone can alter their face through a cell phone app is just another form of cheating,” Fry said.
It takes me about ten minutes to edit the model’s faces to the point of barely being recognizable.
And that’s just with a free app.
If it’s as easy as a free app off iTunes to completely alter one’s face, imagine the editing that goes on in magazine photos.
In a world so desperate to be pretty, Photoshop has become an essential tool to anyone who wants to compete. And that’s not fair to real people, who don’t have professional editors making them slimmer and more sculpted in their photos.
So how do we as a culture make the expectations for beauty honest and attainable again? Dove has some ideas and has spearheaded the campaign to get rid of photoshop ads.
With several intriguing promotion videos that call out touched up photos and extreme editing, Dove has artfully began waging war against photoshopped photos.
And it’s a good thing too. These pictures have placed unrealistic expectations for beauty in the minds of girls everywhere and not being able to attain those expectations causes inevitable self esteem issues for many.
It’s about time that someone redefines beauty and is honest about what beautiful truly looks like.